Stormwater ponds can become obstructed by trash, debris, woody vegetation, sediment and silt.  Structural cracks and leaks can develop over time. Regular maintenance to prevent problems is essential for effective operation. 

 6 Basic Tips for stormwater pond maintenance 

1. Vegetation management

      a. mowing of the ponds grassy areas  

      b. removal of trees and woody vegetation from inlet and outlet channels,        within  20 feet of the control structure, headwalls, and pipes 

      c. Kudzu and exotic/invasive plant control such as cattails  

 2. Sediment removal to restore maximum capacity 

3. Removal of trash and debris in and around the stormwater pond

4.  Re-seed areas of bare soil to prevent erosion 

5.  Observation of structural components for cracks or leaks 

6.  Erosion and Stabilization 

       a. Observe slopes and embankments for animal burrowing. If noticed, prompt removal of critters to prevent further erosion and stabilization issues. 

      b. Placement of rip rap and mulch in and around the pond as well as structural components 

These basic tips will keep your stormwater pond working effectively to improve function and controlling long term cost, saving you money.

Stormwater Structural Maintenance requires skilled and knowledgeable contractors to perform maintenance on stormwater structures. Georgia StormWater Services holds the Georgia Blue Card certification in the proper installation, maintenance, and inspection of best management practices (BMPs).

Contact Georgia StormWater Services today at 770-710-4379 or online by visiting our  website